Our USA Flat Rate and Toll Free Access numbers all come with capacity for 250+ simultaneous callers.
By default our conference bridges are configured to start in Presentation Mode. This means that your callers will never hear audio from other callers.
We have access to dedicated local access numbers in thousands of smaller communities across North America. These numbers are billed per minute. Capacity on these lines varies by location.
Canada and USA Toll Free Access available at $0.05 per minute
Our conference bridges are available with dedicated access numbers. This allows your listeners to dial directly into the conference without having to remember PINs and access codes.
Our conferencing bridge uses patent pending audio enhancement technology which delivers improved clarity, reduced noise, and more natural conversation. The result is an unparalleled quality even over telephone lines.
Our streaming audio and HD offering allows the church to broadcast a CD quality audio stream.
Listeners can connect in the following ways:
(Plain Old Telephone Service)The user can call in from their mobile or home phone. The quality of this connection is limited by what the telephone network is able to support.
(G722)This can be from a web browser, a ~$100 dedicated phone, or a dedicated box. This connection is much clearer than a POTS connection.
(MP3)An MP3 streaming connection provides an unsurpassed stream. Depending on bandwidth available it can provide CD quality or better.
Check out what the different audio quality sounds like by clicking on the links below.
We prepared this files by playing a prerecorded music file into a Barix Instreamer.
These files are from the same song and the represent the listener experience connecting via different methods.
All plans are easy to upgrade. Available upgrade options are listed below.
Add additional users to your stream in increments of 100.
Once your stream is full you can still get additional streams for users who are assigned to your system.
Add unlimited audio stream listeners. *Fair use policy applies
Adds a dedicated phone number for the moderator of the conference. For those calling in by telephone, this allows the moderator to connect without entering a pin.
*Free plans are available for qualifying organizations. Contact us for more information.
*Upgrade Stream Packs
Multiple different options are listed on ListenToChurch.com/manage.
Check out the ListentoChurchPro for Android! Now available in the Google Play Store.
The Easy Stream is custom built to work with church’s PA systems. It transmits audio into our MP3 Streaming service like the Barix Instreamer but this device is also capable of playing audio back into your mixer to make it simpler to listen to streaming services elsewhere. It is specifically designed to connect to Aleph Communication’s systems and can be remotely managed by us.
The Easy Stream is available for sale in Canada from us or from Montezuma Sound in the USA.
You can use almost any laptop, tablet, or smartphone to broadcast an MP3 stream.
Please be aware that in many cases the quality will be less than that of an EasyStream but it does work.
Here are a few recommended applications:
This device transmits the audio into our MP3 Streaming service and into your conference bridge when it its turned on or when the volume level is high enough.
The Barix Instreamer is available for sale in Canada from us or from Montezuma Sound in the USA.
Call 1-866-628-4417 today for more information or email conference@aleph-com.net.
Please check our Conferencing and Streaming Terms of Service
Aleph Communications © 2025